Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database

The Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database consists of references to geologic field trip guidebooks of North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). Most of the guidebooks cited are from the period 1940-the present. A few are from earlier years.
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Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) volunteers compiled the lists of guidebooks using The Union List of Geological Field Trip Guidebooks of North America as a starting point. References from the GeoRef database have been used to provide the searchable data for the earlier publications and newer guidebooks have been identified in GeoRef and are being regularly added. GSIS volunteers keep GeoRef informed about new guidebooks. This guidebook database builds on a long history of collaboration between GSIS and AGI that resulted in the publication of several print publication including The Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America, sixth edition, compiled and edited by the Geoscience Information Society Guidebooks Committee, Richard Spohn, Chair, published by the American Geological Institute in 1996.
The database is updated monthly and contains more than 12,860 references.
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Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Publishers of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks
Submit a Guidebook to the Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database
To be included in this database, a field trip write-up should include a road log and/or contain a detailed description of the geological features that could be used to reconstruct a field trip. Typically, the guidebook contains descriptions of the geological features along an itinerary, and is thus a resource for local geology. The database includes geographic and stratigraphic information. Many field trip guidebooks are not available through bookstores and are not widely distributed. The best sources for guidebooks are libraries in the field trip region or the group that hosted the field trip.
If you would like to submit a guidebook for this database, please contact us at