CanGeoRef Database

CanGeoRef is a bibliographic geoscience database that covers the Canadian geoscience literature since the early 1800’s.
This database is available by subscription to individuals (consultants), companies and organizations.
CanGeoRef includes more than 255,111 bibliographic references on Canada. These references are drawn primarily from GeoRef, the primary bibliographic service for the geosciences. In 2010, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES) began a cooperative arrangement to improve the coverage of Canadian publications in the GeoRef database and to provide a less expensive alternative to GeoRef for smaller organizations, companies and individuals (consultants). AGI and CFES made this database available by subscription on September 15, 2011.
In addition to references drawn from GeoRef, the database has been enhanced with additions supplied by CFES from the various Provincial and Territorial geological agencies. CFES received some seed money for the start-up phase from the Committee of Provincial and Territorial Geologists (CPTG) and many references to publications for Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland/Labrador, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan have been added. Nova Scotia and the Yukon Territory are in the pipeline.
The references cite the journal literature, meeting proceedings, abstracts, books, reports, theses and maps. An important addition to CanGeoRef is the Mineral Assessment Reports. Mineral assessment reports are complete for Alberta, to be followed by those of other jurisdictions in a later phase.
References contain complete bibliographic information and URLs for documents published on the web. Thorough indexing, based on the controlled vocabulary found in the GeoRef Thesaurus, is included. Specific geographic locations are listed as place names, and, for principal locations, latitude and longitude are provided. The database is updated on a weekly basis.
Subject Coverage
Documents in CanGeoRef are primarily related to geology. The following general categories are covered:
- Mineralogy
- Geochemistry (isotopes, hydrochemistry)
- Geochronology (includes radiometric and relative age determination)
- Petrology (includes igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks)
- Oceanography
- Paleontology (includes invertebrates, vertebrates, plants)
- Geologic Maps
- Geophysics (includes geophysical surveys, well-logging, seismology)
- Hydrogeology (includes ground water and hydrologic cycle)
- Environmental Science (includes soil and water pollution, reclamation)
- Geomorphology
- Soils
- Economic Geology (includes metals, industrial minerals, petroleum, mining)
- Engineering Geology
All documents are indexed using the GeoRef controlled vocabulary. The vocabulary is available in printed form in the GeoRef Thesaurus and the systematic vocabulary terms are available online as hierarchical lists.
Geographic Coverage
Publications in CanGeoRef cover Canadian geology back to early 1800’s. CFES began supplying references for CanGeoRef in 2010 and will continue to expand the database to include as many current Canadian publications as possible.
Ordering Information
CanGeoRef is available through an Annual Subscription.
Annual Subscription
The cost of an annual subscription to the CanGeoRef database is:
- Individuals (Consultants) $95 US
- Commercial Organization 1-10 geoscientists $415 US
- Commercial Organization 11 + geoscientists $800 US
- Community college $600 US
Note: Additional user name/password login or IP address validation may be purchased for a modest $20 US each.
For University pricing please send an email to
View the full pricing schedule for CanGeoRef here.
If you would like to subscribe, please print out the order form / license agreement (available in Word document or PDF format below), fill out the form completely, and return it to Monika Long,, at the American Geosciences Institute.
Please note: Subscriber access may be secured through either user name/password login or through IP address validation on our server.
Subscription Forms Order form / License Agreement:
Contact Information
For more information contact:
American Geosciences Institute
ATTN: CanGeoRef
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1502
(703) 379-2480